PodiumConnect RaceTechnology

Choosing Preset

During the setup Wizard, you would have selected the RaceTechnology DL1 integration, which includes:

  • GPS Position
  • Speed
  • Battery voltage
  • RPM
  • AccelX (Longitudinal Acceleration)
  • AccelY (Lateral Acceleration)
  • Altitude

PodiumConnect RaceTechnology DL1 telemetry preset.png

Connecting your DL1 system

Connect PodiumConnect to the DL1 using the included integration cable, plugging the DB9 connector into your DL1 while plugging the other end into PodiumConnect.

Connect the red and black pigtail connectors to 12v and ground, respectively.

PodiumConnect RaceTechnology DL1 integration.jpg

Verifying telemetry data

Power up both the DL1 and PodiumConnect, and then connect the RaceCapture app to PodiumConnect via USB (desktop Windows or OSX) or WiFi (Android or iOS).

Go to the Dashboard page, then navigate using the arrows to the Raw Channels view. Verify you see data flowing from the DL1, including GPS Latitude, Longitude, Speed if your DL1 has a GPS lock.

PodiumConnect RaceTechnology DL1 RawChannelsView.png

Customizing Channel Mappings

The RaceTechnology PodiumConnect integration is accomplished via Lua scripting using the RaceTechnology Serial Data format.

By default, the Lua script implements the standard channels typically available: GPS position, Speed, Accelerometer, Battery voltage, and RPM.

You can map additional channels by creating entries within the script. Near the top of the script there is a setup function which lets you add your own customizations.

function setup()
 --add your RT analog channels here
 --addAnalog(RT_analog_channel_number, channel_Name, sample_rate, precision, min, max, multiplier, adder)
 addAnalog(1,'Batt', 10, 2, 0, 5, 'V', 1, 0)

 --add your RT RPM channels here
 --addFreq(RT_freq_channel_number, channel_name,sample_rate, precision, min, max, multiplier, divider)
 addFreq(5, 'RPM', 10, 0, 0, 10000, , 60, 1)

Adding an Analog Channel

To add an additional analog channel, you will need to create an "addAnalog" entry within this setup file.

Example: Adding a pressure sensor channel

To add the standard RaceTechnology 10 bar pressure sensor on RaceTechnology Channel 19, add the following line in the setup() function.

addAnalog(19, 'OilPress', 10, 0, 0, 150, 'psi', 36.25, -18.125)

Parameters, explained

  • 1: RaceTechnology Channel 19
  • 2: Name of channel in PodiumConnect ("OilPress")
  • 3: Sample rate we will report over telemetry (10Hz; 1/5/10Hz is possible)
  • 4: Logging precision to report over telemetry (number of places to the right of the decimal point)
  • 5: Min value for sensor
  • 6: Max value for sensor
  • 7: Units label ("psi" in this case)
  • 8: multiplier for conversion formula
  • 9: adder for conversion formula

Once you've added the channel, Write the settings back to PodiumConnect and then check for correct data in the app's dashboard mode.

If you have problems with the script, you can check for errors by observing the PodiumConnect's log file by checking the box 'Poll Log'. More information on troubleshooting.