
(Redirected from Bolt-on)


GPS Bolt-on image main.png

A GPS module includes a small processor and antenna that receives signals directly from satellites. These signals are sent through specific RF (radio frequency) channels and include timestamps along with other relevant data. When the module's antenna detects signals from at least four satellites, it can accurately determine its position and the precise time. This capability is crucial for various applications, such as navigation, tracking, and timing.

The GPS module that is used in the bolt-on is SUP500F. The SUP500F is a specialized GPS receiver module designed to be easily integrated into various OEM products. This module offers a compact, all-in-one solution that minimizes development risk and simplifies system integration.


  • 1/5/10/50 Hz update rate
  • 65 Channel GPS L1 C/A Code
  • Perform 8 million time-frequency hypothesis testing per second
  • Open sky hot start 1 sec
  • Open sky cold start 29 sec
  • Signal detection is better than -161dBm
  • Multipath detection and suppression
  • Accuracy 2.5m CEP
  • Tracking current ~33mA

Optional Features

The Board supports an optional CR1220 battery port to help the GPS module warm up and acquire satellites faster. If the battery is omitted, it will always start cold.

These features make the SUP500F ideal for applications that demand high performance, and low power consumption which can be personal navigation devices, asset tracking systems, and vehicle navigation products.

Getting Started


GPS Bolt-on Components.png

The bolt-on assembly includes

  • SUP500F GPS module
  • Printed Circuit Board
  • 1 x 7-pin Male Headers

Hardware Connection

To integrate the GPS module, a 7-pin header (included with the kit) must be soldered to both the GPS module and the PCB.

PCB GPS Bolt-on.jpg

when stacking the GPS bolt-on onto the ESP32 CAN X2 module, ensure that the icons on the boards align, particularly the WiFi antenna and USB positions, to maintain proper functionality and connectivity.

GPS module installed.png

Separate Headers

Additionally, the assembly requires 2 x 20-pin headers to be soldered onto the PCB, providing the necessary connections.

These headers are available separately from a variety of sources (male / female) Amazon | Ebay

Block diagram, Pin description, and Connections

Block Diagram

The block diagram is given in the image below.

Block Diagram.png

Pin Description

Pin Description.png

The pun description for the SUP500F GPS module is given in the table below.

SUP500F GPS module Pin description
Pin No. Name Description
1 RXD UART input, 3V LVTTL
2 TXD UART output, 3V LVTTL
3 GND System ground
4 VDD Main 3.0V ~ 5.5V supply input
5 VBAT Backup supply voltage for RTC and SRAM, 1.5V ~ 5.5V Can connect to VDD
6 P1PS 1 pulse per second time mark output
7 PSE_SEL Search Engine Mode select 1: Low power acquisition mode (default), acquisition current ~55mA 0: Enhanced acquisition mode, acquisition current ~75mA


The connection details of the GPS Bolt-on are given in the table below.

Connection details of GPS Bolt-on
Gps Pin SV1 GPIO
Rx pin 17 GPIO40
Tx pin 18 GPIO41
P1PPS pin 16 GPIO39
PSE_SEL pin 11 GPIO45

Demo Code

Access the source code repository through the provided link.