RaceCapturePro Lua Scripting

RaceCapture/Pro Scripting Guide

Example Scripts and How-Tos

A large collection of example scripts can be found in our Lua Scripting Examples

The Lua Reference Manual can be found on Lua.org

You can use LuaEdit to help you edit and debug your Lua code.

Lua Script Basics


  • All inputs and outputs are numbered starting at 0 (getGpio(0), setChannel(0), etc)
  • All channel values must be numbers
  • All virtual channel names must have no spaces (to be fixed in future revisions)

Writing your script

onTick() function

Your Lua script is centered around the onTick() function. RaceCapture/Pro will periodically call this function, and here you can define your custom tasks and logic.

Example: this script will periodically write a message to the log:

function onTick()
  println("hello from RaceCapture/Pro")
  • Note: There can only be one onTick() handler; if multiple are defined your script will not work properly.
Viewing the output log

You can observe the loading of new script and monitor and debug the behavior of your script by using the print() / println() functions. In order to see the log output, enable the "Poll Log" checkbox in the scripting window:

Hello RaceCapturePro script.png

Controlling the onTick() rate

You can control how fast your script is executed using the setTickRate() function. The tick Rate is specified in Hz, and the default rate is 1Hz, maximum of 1000Hz.

  • Note: actual tick rates may be slower based on the amount of processing time in your onTick() handler.
count = 0

function onTick()
  count = count + 1
  println("Tick: " ..count)

RaceCapture tick count.png

Reading and controlling inputs and outputs

The Lua scripting enables endless combinations of custom behaviors by reading sensor values, controlling output lines, broadcasting CAN messages and writing data to the Auxiliary serial port.

Example: Reading a sensor value and activating an output based on a threshold.


  • A calibrated temperature sensor is connected to the first analog input (0);
  • The first GPIO is configured for output mode

This script will activate the output upon crossing the temperature threshold of 212.

function onTick()
  temperature = getAnalog(0)
  if temperature > 212 then
    setGpio(0, 1)
    setGpio(0, 0)
Combining multiple functions

When combining multiple functions into one script, it's recommended to break them into multiple functions and reference them from the main onTick() function.


function checkTemps()

[ temperature checking logic goes here ]


function checkAutoLogging()

[ automatic logging logic goes here ]


function onTick()


Debugging your script

If you're not sure why your script is misbehaving, you can use the println() function to output messages in the log and observe how your script is behaving.


function onTick()
  temperature = getAnalog(0)
  println("current temp: " ..temperature)
  if temperature > 212 then
    println("over temp!")
    setGpio(0, 1)
    println("under temp")
    setGpio(0, 0)

Out of memory issues

If you are seeing out of memory issues, try the following:

Mark variables in your script as local

Lua makes variables global by default, which is typically opposite of other programming languages. Since global variables consume more memory, try making variables declared in your function local:

function addSomeNumbers()
  local var1 = 3
  local  var2 = 5
  return var1 + var2

Reduce extra comments, large string variable declaration and other bloat

  • Remove comments, shorten the size of any text strings you define - these all consume memory.

Simplify your script

  • Reduce the number of variables at the top, and inline their usage in the script. This will help reduce the amount of global memory uses.
  • Evaluate the functions you define. Sometimes it makes sense to combine your code into fewer functions, if it turns out you only call that function once. Other times, you may need to break out a function to save space, if you need that function repeatedly.

Call the garbage collector periodically

If your script is very close the limits of memory, regularly calling the garbage collector may help. Calling collectgarbage() in the onTick() is recommended:

function onTick()
-- other code --

Try a Lua minimizer

Minimizing/Minifying your script will compact your script, at the expense of making it harder to read. You can try an online minifier to see if that makes a difference.

  • Since it makes your script harder to maintain, we recommend this as a last resort.

Lua Reference

RaceCapture/Pro uses the standard, lightweight Lua scripting language used as an extension / customization language for many software applications and especially gaming.

  • See lua.org for additional information on how to use the Lua language

More examples

You can see more examples in our Lua Scripting Examples section.

API Reference

General Input / Output (GPIO) Functions

getGpio( channel )

Retrieves the state of the specified GPIO channel

  • params
    • channel: integer 0 - 2
  • returns:
    • state: 1 = channel is high, 0 = channel is low
  • When the channel is configured for input mode, a voltage high input (> 2 volts) will read as 1; a voltage low will read as 0.
  • When the channel is configured as output, the channel reads 1 when the channel is activated (output transistor is connected to ground)
  • Note: RaceCapture/Pro MK1 has internal pull-up resistors to 5V.

setGpio ( channel, state )

Sets the state of the GPIO channel when the channel is configured for output mode.

  • params
    • channel: integer 0 - 2
    • state: (int / (since 2.10.0) bool) 1 / true = output active; 0 / false = output inactive
  • returns:
    • none

When the state specified is 1, the output is active (transistor is connected to ground). When state is 0, transistor is disconnected, and pullup resistor is active.

When configured for input mode this function has no effect.


Gets the state of the front panel pushbutton.

  • params
    • none
  • returns
    • state: true = pushbutton is depressed; false = pushbutton is not depressed

PWM / Analog Output functions

'PWM / Analog outputs only apply to RaceCapture/Pro MK1 and MK2

setPwmDutyCycle( channel, dutyCyclePct )

Sets the duty cycle of the specified PWM / Analog output channel to the specified duty cycle percentage

  • params
    • channel: PWM / Analog output channel 0 - 3
    • dutyCyclePct: Percentage value of the duty cycle as a counting number 0 - 100
  • returns
    • none

setPwmClockFreq( frequency )

Sets the clock frequency of the PWM outputs

  • params
    • frequency: the frequency of the PWM clock, in Hz. Supported range is 320-40000 Hz
  • returns
    • none

setAnalogOut( channel, voltage )

Sets the output voltage of the specified PWM / Analog output channel to the specified period. A convenience function equivalent to setPwmDutyCycle that translates voltage to PWM percentage.

  • params
    • channel: PWM / Analog output channel 0 - 3
    • voltage: the specified output voltage ( 0 - 5v)
    • returns
  • none

Timer / RPM Sensor Functions


Returns the current RPM of the specified timer input channel. Note, the timer channel configuration must be set to RPM mode.

  • params
    • channel: Timer channel. Zero based, so first channel is 0, 2nd channel is 1, and so on.
    • returns: RPM value


Returns the current duration of the full cycle pulse of the specified timer input channel, in milliseconds. Note the timer channel configuration must be set to Duration mode.

  • params
    • channel: Timer channel 0 - 3. Zero based, so first channel is 0, 2nd channel is 1, and so on.
    • returns: millisecond value


Returns the current frequency present on the specified timer input channel, in Hz. Note the timer channel configuration must be set to Frequency Mode.

  • params
    • channel: Timer channel. Zero based, so first channel is 0, 2nd channel is 1, and so on.
    • returns: Frequency in Hz


Returns the current raw timer value as measured on the specified timer input channel.

  • params
    • channel: Timer channel 0 - 3. Zero based, so first channel is 0, 2nd channel is 1, and so on.
    • returns: Raw timer value between 0 - 65535

Analog Sensor Functions


Reads the scaled analog value for the specified analog input channel.

  • params
    • channel: Analog input channel. Zero based, so first channel is 0, 2nd channel is 1, and so on.
      • Note: the last Analog input is connected to battery voltage:
        • Channel 7 on RaceCapture/Pro MK1 and MK2
        • Channel 8 on RaceCapture/Pro MK3 and RaceCapture Apex
        • Channel 0 on RaceCapture/Track MK1 / MK2
    • returns: Scaled / calculated value for the specified analog channel as defined in the channel scaling configuration

Accelerometer / Yaw Sensor Functions


Reads the specified IMU channel

  • params
    • channel (0 = X, 1 = Y, 2=Z, 3= Yaw, 4= Pitch, 5 = Roll)
  • returns
    • The value scaled to G force, or degrees/sec depending on the channel selected


Reads the raw value of the specified accelerometer or yaw channel

  • params
    • channel (0 = X, 1 = Y, 2=Z, 3= Yaw, 4= Pitch, 5 = Roll)
  • returns
    • The raw accelerometer value

GPS Sensor Functions


Reads the current position as measured by the attached GPS module coming in firmware 2.0

  • params
    • none
  • returns
    • Latitude: latitude in decimal degrees
    • Longitude: longitude in decimal degress


Provides the current speed as measured by the attached GPS module

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The current speed in MPH


Provides the current GPS quality indicator as indicated by the attached GPS module

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The current GPS quality indicator
    • 0: No fix; 1: Fixed; 2: SPS Fix; 3: Differential Fix


  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The number of GPS satellites currently used in the fix


Provides the current GPS time as indicated by the attached GPS module (in NMEA format) todo: document this

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The current GPS time value


Provides the current GPS calculated distance from the beginning of the logging session, or from the start finish line, if configured.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The distance, in Miles


Provides the current GPS calculated altitude from sea level in feet. The method will return 0 if there is no GPS lock.

  • Added: v2.9.0
  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: <altitude>


Provides the number of seconds since midnight, as measured by the GPS module. todo: how does this relate to timezone? GMT or local?

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • number of seconds since midnight, as measured by the attached GPS module

Lap Statistics


Provides the current Lap Count as determined by the start/finish line configuration and measured by the attached GPS module.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The number of laps detected since the logging session started


Provides the last lap time as determined by the start/finish line configuration and measured by the attached GPS module.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The last measured lap time in decimal minutes / seconds


as of 2.12.0 firmware

Provides the current Predicted Lap time time as determined by the start/finish line configuration and measured by the attached GPS module. A training lap is required before the predicted time is valid.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • The current predicted time in decimal minutes / seconds


Indicates if within the start finish line target as determined by the start/finish line configuration and measured by the attached GPS module.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • true if currently within the start/finish line target, false if outside


since 2.16.0

Resets Lap Statistics, including lap count, lap time, predictive time, and session time.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • (none)

Time Functions


Returns the number of milliseconds since power-up.

  • params


  • returns
    • The number of milliseconds since power-up

CAN Bus functions

initCAN(channel, baud )

available in firmware 2.0 Initializes the CAN bus module. Normally this is done when RaceCapture/Pro powers on; use this function if you need to change the CAN baud rate on the fly.

  • params
    • channel: The CAN channel. 0 for the first channel, 1 for the 2nd, if supported on the hardware
    • baud rate: Supported baud rates: 100000, 125000, 250000, 500000, 1000000
    • termination: 1 to enable termination, 0 to disable. Defaults to 1 (enabled) Only available on RaceCapture/Pro MK3 and RaceCapture/Apex. On other platforms this setting has no effect.
  • returns
    • 1 if successful, 0 if initialization fails, nil if parameters are incorrect

txCAN(channel, id, isExtended, data, [timeout] )

available in firmware 2.0 Transmit a CAN message.

  • params
    • channel: The CAN channel. 0 for the first channel, 1 for the 2nd, if supported on the hardware
    • identifier: The Identifier value of the message, either in standard (11 bit) or extended (29 bit) format.
    • isExtended: 0 for Standard (11 bit) Identifier or 1 for Extended (29 bit) Identifier.
    • data: CAN message payload; array up to 8 elements long.
    • timeout: (optional) specify a timeout for sending this message. if the transmit queue is full, will block for the specified milliseconds. Defaults to 100ms
  • returns
    • 1 if successful, 0 if failed, nil if parameters are incorrect


channel = 0
id = 1234
ext = 0
data = {11,22,33}
res = txCAN(channel, id, ext, data)

rxCAN(channel, [timeout] )

available in firmware 2.0 Receive a CAN message, if available.

  • params
    • channel: The CAN channel. 0 for the first channel, 1 for the 2nd, if supported on the hardware
    • timeout (optional). read timeout in milliseconds. defaults to 100ms. For non-blocking functionality specify a timeout of 0.
  • returns
    • identifier: The Identifier value of the message, either in standard (11 bit) or extended (29 bit) format.
    • isExtended: 0 for Standard (11 bit) Identifier or 1 for Extended (29 bit) Identifier.
    • Data: CAN message payload; array up to 8 elements long.

If no CAN message was received, the function returns nil


id, ext, data = rxCAN(0, 100) --100ms timeout
if id ~= nil then
  println("CAN rx: " ..id .." " ..data[1]) --print ID and first element of received message

setCANfilter(channel, filterId, extended, filter, mask )

available in firmware 2.0 Sets the specified CAN filter and mask ID, to ignore CAN messages that match a particular ID pattern.

  • params
    • channel: The CAN channel. 0 for the first channel, 1 for the 2nd, if supported on the hardware
    • filterId: The id of the filter. Up to 6 filters are supported on MK1, 15 per channel on MK2. Filter ids start at 0.
    • extended: 0 for Standard (11 bit) Identifier or 1 for Extended (29 bit) Identifier.
    • filter: Pattern value for CAN filter
    • mask: the mask for the CAN filter
  • returns
    • 1 for success, 0 for fail, nil if parameters are incorrect

OBDII functions

readOBD2( PID )

available in firmware 2.0 Reads an OBD2 PID and returns the calculated value. This is a convenience method wrapped around the built-in CAN functions.

  • params
    • The OBD2 PID to read. Supported PIDs (TBD documented)
  • returns
    • The calculated PID value, or nil if the OBD2 PID was invalid or could not be read (e.g. CAN receive message timeout)

setOBD2Delay( delayMs )

Sets an additional delay in-between OBDII PID queries. Normally the system will query PIDs as fast as possible, in a round robin fashion.

If the vehicle's ECU exhibits problems with the rate of querying, an additional delay can be added between queries to effectively slow down the queries.

  • params
    • The additional delay between PID queries, in ms
  • returns
    • none

Logger Control Functions


  • params:
    • (none)
  • returns:
    • (none)

The onTick() function is the main loop where scripting activity takes place. By default it is called by RaceCapture/Pro every 1 second (1Hz). The rate can be adjusted using the setTickRate() function.

  • Note - you should only define one onTick() function in your code. If multiple onTick() functions are defined, only the last defined onTick() function will be used.


function onTick()
  println("Hello") --write something to the log


Sets the rate at which the onTick() function is called

  • params
    • rate: The rate the onTick() function is called, in Hz. Max tick rate is 1000Hz.
  • returns
    • (none)

SD Logging control

The following functions control logging operations to the internal SD card.

  • Note: Only SD card logging is controlled; External devices or apps connected to the telemetry stream are not affected by these commands.


Indicates if an SD card logging session is in progress

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • 0 if not logging, non zero otherwise.


Begins a logging session to the SD card. If currently logging, this function has no effect.

  • Note: If an error occurs during writing, the error indicator on the front panel, if provided, will illuminate.
  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • (none)


Stops the current SD card logging session. If not logging, this function has no effect.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • (none)

setLed( led, state )

Sets the state of a front panel LED

  • params
    • led (1-3)
    • state: (int / [as of 2.10.0] bool) 1 / true = on, 0 / false = off
  • returns
    • (none)

setBgStream( on/off )

Sets the state of background streaming

  • params
    • Boolean: true for on, false for off.
  • returns
    • (none)


Gets the state of background streaming

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • Boolean: True for on, false for off.

Serial Port Communications

These function calls allow reading / writing line oriented data from the built in serial ports.

Port mappings

  • 0 = USB port
  • 1 = GPS port
  • 2 = Internal telemetry port (MK2/3/Apex only)
  • 3 = Bluetooth port
  • 4 = Auxiliary / WiFi port
    (RaceCapture/Pro MK2)
  • 5 = WiFi port
  • 6 = External Auxiliary port (RaceCapture/Pro MK3 and RaceCapture/Apex only)
  • Note: We only recommend using the designated auxiliary port for your hardware model The other ports have been included for reference; using them may interfere with normal operations of the unit.

initSer( port, baud, bits, parity, stopBits)

Initializes the specified serial port

  • params
    • port: The port to initialize. (defaults to Auxiliary port)
    • baud: The baud rate to set (defaults to 115200)
    • bits: Number of bit in the message (8 or 7) (defaults to 8)
    • parity: (1 = Even Parity, 2 = Odd Parity, 0 = No Parity) (defaults to No Parity)
    • stopBits: number of stop bits (1 or 2) (defaults to 1)
  • returns
    • true if initialization succeeds

readCSer( port, [timeout])

Available since firmware 2.8.4
Read a character from the specified serial port

  • params
    • port: The port to read. (required)
    • timeout - the read timeout, in ms.
  • returns
    • the character read, or nil if the timeout was reached

readSer( port, [timeout])

Read a line of data from the specified serial port. This command blocks until a newline ('\n') character is received on the port, or a timeout occurs.

  • params
    • port: Serial port 0 - 4
    • timeout - the read timeout, in ms.
    • returns: a line of serial data, or nil if the timeout was reached

writeCSer( port, data )

Available since firmware 2.8.4
Writes the specified character to the serial port. The call will block until the character is written.

  • params:
    • port - the serial port to write
    • char - the character to write.
  • returns:

(no return values)

writeSer( port, data )

Writes a line of data to the specified serial port, appending a newline at the end. The call will block until all characters are written.

  • params
    • port: Serial port 0 - 4
    • data: the data in string format
  • returns:

(no return values)

Logger Configuration Functions


Writes the current configuration in RAM to flash memory.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • (none)

setPwmClockFreq( freq )

Sets the clock frequency for all PWM channels

  • params
    • freq: The clock frequency todo: what units?
  • returns
    • (none)


Gets the PWM clock frequency controlling all PWM channels

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • the PWM clock frequency todo: what units?


Automatically Calibrates the accelerometer zero position.

  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • (none)

Virtual Channels

addChannel( name, sampleRate, [precision], [min], [max], [units] )

available in firmware 2.0 Adds a virtual channel. This virtual channel remains in memory during runtime; it is not persisted in the configuration. Up to 100 virtual channels can be created.

  • params
    • name: The name of the channel, up to 10 characters long. We recommend using an existing System channel name as defined by the app when possible.
    • sampleRate: A supported sample rate (1,10,25,50,100,200Hz)
    • precision: (optional) the numerical precision (number of decimal places) used when logging to SD and telemetry. Defaults to 2
    • min: (optional) The min expected value for this channel. Defaults to 0
    • max: (optional) The max expected value for this channel. Defaults to 1000
    • units: (optional) The units label for this channel. Defaults to empty string / none
  • returns
    • the id of the new virtual channel, or NIL if the virtual channel could not be created. Use this id for setting the channel value (see setChannel() )

getChannel( Channel ID or name )

  • First available in v2.9.0 ; retrieving by channel name available in v2.13.0
  • Parameters
    • Channel ID or name : if a number, matches on the channel ID as provided by the addChannel function. If string, matches on any current channel in the system.
  • Returns
    • (number) The current value of the channel if available, or nil if the value is not available. You should always check if the value is present before using it for other purposes, especially if the script's tick rate is high relative to the channel's sample rate.
  • Examples:
--returns the virtual channel assigned to ID 1. Current value of channel is stored in val 
val = getChannel(1)
--get the channel by name
rpm = getChannel("RPM") 
if rpm ~= nil then
 println("rpm channel: " ..rpm)

setChannel( channelId, value )

available in firmware 2.0 Updates the value of a previously created virtual channel.

  • params
    • channelId: the ID of the channel provided by addChannel()
    • value: the new value to set for the virtual channel


id = addChannel("EGT", 1)

function onTick()
   temp = getAnalog(0) --read analog channel 0
   temp = temp * 1000
   setChannel(id, temp) --sets the virtual channel value

Time Info

These methods get you information about dates and time. This is useful in controlling script behavior or just knowing what time it is.


Available since firmware 2.8.4
Returns the number of miliseconds since the device last started. This is always available and is the most consistent way to time things in LUA script on RaceCapture.

  • Returns
    • Number of milliseconds since CPU boot.


Available since firmware 2.8.4
Returns date and time info to the best of the systems ability, in UTC. Only available after GPS lock has been established. Will return epoch time (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:000) if time is not available.

  • Returns: A list of date and time information in the following order:
    • Year
    • Month
    • Day
    • Hour
    • Minute
    • Second
    • Millisecond

Dashboard Control


Simulates button press events for dashboard navigation and control. RaceCapture dashboard must be connected for function to have effect.

  • params
    • button_id: ID of button to transmit. 0 = left button;1 = right button;2 = ack/yes;3 = no
    • state: State of button: 1 = pressed; 0 = not pressed
  • returns
    • (nothing)

ShiftX2/3 control

The following functions provide access to the ShiftX2 or ShiftX3 RGB sequential shift light. Available in firmware 2.15.0


Configures the connected ShiftX device. This must be called prior to any other configuration function calls. All parameters are optional; call with no parameters to use the default settings:

  • params
    • orientation: 0 (normal, 7-segment display below bar graph); 1 (inverted, 7-segment display above bar graph). Defaut value: 0
    • brightness: 0 (automatic brightness control with ambient light sensor; 1-100: brightness percentage. Default value: 0
    • CAN bus: 0 (connected to CAN1); 1 (connected to CAN2). Default value: 1
    • CAN base address: base CAN address to use. Default value: 931328)
    • Auto brightness scaling: Amplification value to tune ambient light sensor. 0-255 value; Default value: 51
    • Enable / Disable button events: true (Enable button event broadcast to app); false (Disable button event broadcast to app)
  • returns
    • true if configuration message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


Configures the the style and overall range for the linear graph.

  • params
    • Rendering Style: 0 (left->right); 1 (center); 2 (right->left)
    • Linear Style: 0 (Smooth / interpolated); 1 (stepped)
    • Low Range Threshold: The overall low range for the linear graph
    • High Range Threshold: The overall high range for the linear graph (ignored if linear style = stepped)
  • returns
    • true if configuration message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


Configure a threshold for the linear graph. Each threshold is identified by an ID, and thresholds are processed from low to high IDs. 5 thresholds can be defined.

  • params
    • Threshold Id: Id for threshold to set. (0-4). Lower IDs are evaluated first.
    • Segment Length: 0 -> number of LEDs on linear graph. (Ignored if linear style = smooth)
    • Threshold Value: Value where this threshold is activated
    • Red: Red LED value (0-255)
    • Green: Green LED value (0-255)
    • Blue: Blue LED value (0-255)
    • Flash: 0-10Hz (0 = sold on)
  • returns
    • true if configuration message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


Update the linear graph with the current sensor value. ShiftX will apply the previously configured thresholds to set bar graph length, color and flash.

  • params
    • Value: current value representing the linear graph
  • returns
    • (none)


Direct set an alert indicator. For ShiftX3, ID0=Alert LED on right side; ID1=Alert LED on left side.

  • params
    • Alert ID: ID of alert (0 -> # of alert indicators)
    • Red: Red LED value (0-255)
    • Green: Green LED value (0-255)
    • Blue: Blue LED value (0-255)
    • Flash: 0-10Hz (0 = sold on)
  • returns
    • true if update message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


Configures an alert threshold. Up to 5 thresholds can be configured per alert indicator. Thresholds are evaluated by ID, from low to high.

  • params
    • Alert ID: Id of Alert (0 -> # of alert indicators)
    • Threshold ID: Id for threshold to set. (0-4). Lower IDs are evaluated first.
    • Threshold Value: Value where this threshold is activated
    • Red: Red LED value (0-255)
    • Green: Green LED value (0-255)
    • Blue: Blue LED value (0-255)
    • Flash: 0-10Hz (0 = sold on)
  • returns
    • true if configuration message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


Updates the current value for the specified Alert. ShiftX will apply the previously configured thresholds to set color and flash.

  • params
    • Alert ID: Id of Alert (0 -> # of alert indicators)
    • Value: current value representing the alert
  • returns
    • true if update message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


Directly sets the value of the 7 segment display.

  • params
    • Digit index (must be 0)
    • Charater: 0-9. Can set ASCII value by offsetting the value by 48 (e.g. ASCII - 48)
  • returns
    • true if update message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


Directly set any available LED on ShiftX

  • params
    • LED Index: 0 -> # of LEDs on device
    • Number of LEDs to set: 0 -> # of LEDs on device (0 = set all remaining)
    • Red: Red LED value (0-255)
    • Green: Green LED value (0-255)
    • Blue: Blue LED value (0-255)
    • Flash: 0-10Hz (0 = sold on)
  • returns
    • true if update message was successfully broadcast to ShiftX (does not indicate if ShiftX has received it)


  • params
    • (none)
  • returns
    • nil if no button presses are available; otherwise:
    • button_id (ID of button. left button = 0, right button = 1, yes = 2, ok/no = 3)
    • state: (0 = not pressed; 1 = pressed)
local id, state = sxRxButton()
if id ~= nil then println('button ' ..id ..' state ' ..state) end

Helper Functions


A convenience function to calculate the current gear of the vehicle. Available in firmware 2.15.0

Variation 1: Use built in GPS speed channel and RPM channel named "RPM"

  • params
    • Tire Diameter: Tire diameter, in cm.
    • Final Drive Ratio: The ratio of the final drive
    • Gear 1 Ratio: Ratio of 1st gear
    • Gear 2 Ratio: Ratio of 2nd gear (optional)
    • Gear 3 Ratio: Ratio of 3rd gear (optional)
    • Gear 4 Ratio: Ratio of 4th gear (optional)
    • Gear 5 Ratio: Ratio of 5th gear (optional)
    • Gear 6 Ratio: Ratio of 6th gear (optional)
  • returns
    • detected gear (1-6) or nil if no gear was detected
local gear = calcGear(62.7, 3.45, 4.23, 2.52, 1.66, 1.22, 1.0, 0.8)
if gear ~= nil then println('gear: ' ..gear) end

Variation 2: Specify Speed and RPM channel

  • params
    • Speed Channel name
    • RPM Channel name
    • Tire Diameter: Tire diameter, in cm.
    • Final Drive Ratio: The ratio of the final drive
    • Gear 1 Ratio: Ratio of 1st gear
    • Gear 2 Ratio: Ratio of 2nd gear (optional)
    • Gear 3 Ratio: Ratio of 3rd gear (optional)
    • Gear 4 Ratio: Ratio of 4th gear (optional)
    • Gear 5 Ratio: Ratio of 5th gear (optional)
    • Gear 6 Ratio: Ratio of 6th gear (optional)
  • returns
    • detected gear (1-6) or nil if no gear was detected
local gear = calcGear('Speed', 'RPM', 62.7, 3.45, 4.23, 2.52, 1.66, 1.22, 1.0, 0.8)
if gear ~= nil then println('gear: ' ..gear) end