AIM SmartyCam CAN: Difference between revisions

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''Under Development''
This CAN bus integration maps CAN bus data from AIM systems normally directed to AIM's SmartyCam camera system.
Since the SmartyCam protocol is standard across AIM products, connecting RaceCapture/Pro to the CAN interface of an AIM product compatible with SmartyCam, communications can be intercepted and data can be mapped to RaceCapture/Pro telemetry channels.


Revision as of 23:26, 26 November 2015


This CAN bus integration maps CAN bus data from AIM systems normally directed to AIM's SmartyCam camera system.

Since the SmartyCam protocol is standard across AIM products, connecting RaceCapture/Pro to the CAN interface of an AIM product compatible with SmartyCam, communications can be intercepted and data can be mapped to RaceCapture/Pro telemetry channels.



CAN database

AIM SmartyCAM CAN protocol

Integration Script

--AIM Smarty Cam Stream For Race Capture

--how frequently we poll for CAN messages 
tickRate = 30 
--the CAN baud rate 
CAN_baud = 1000000 
--CAN channel to listen on. 0=first CAN channel, 1=second 
CAN_chan = 0 
--1 for Big Endian (MSB) mode; 0 for Little Endian mode (LSB) 
be_mode = 0

--add your virtual channels here 
tpsId = addChannel("TPS", 10, 0, 0, 100, "%") 
tempId = addChannel("EngineTemp", 1, 0, 0, 200, 'C') 
oilTempId = addChannel("OilTemp", 1, 0, 0, 200, 'C') 
rpmId = addChannel("RPM", 10, 0, 0, 10000, 'RPM') 
fuelId = addChannel("Fuel", 1, 0, 0, 60, "L") 
oilPresId = addChannel("OilPressure", 10, 0, 0, 10, 'Bar')

--customize here for CAN channel mapping 
--format is: [CAN Id] = function(data) map_chan(<channel id>, data, <CAN offset>, <CAN length>, <multiplier>, <adder>) 
CAN_map = {
[1056] = function(data) map_chan(rpmId, data, 0, 2, 1, 0) map_chan(tempId, data, 6, 2, 0.1, 0) end, 
[1057] = function(data) map_chan(oilTempId, data, 4, 2, 0.1, 0) map_chan(OilPresId, data, 6, 2, 0.01, 0) end, 
[1058] = function(data) map_chan(tpsId, data, 2, 1, 1, 0) end , 
[1070] = function(data) map_chan(fuelId, data, 0, 1, 1, 0) end 

function onTick() 

--===========do not edit below===========
function processCAN(chan)
        local id, e, data = rxCAN(chan)
        if id ~= nil then
            local map = CAN_map[id]
            if map ~= nil then
    until id == nil

--Map CAN channel, little endian format
function map_chan_le(cid, data, offset, len, mult, add)
    offset = offset + 1
    local value = 0
    local shift = 1
    while len > 0 do
        value = value + (data[offset] * shift)
        shift = shift * 256
        offset = offset + 1
        len = len - 1
    setChannel(cid, (value * mult) + add)

--Map CAN channel, big endian format
function map_chan_be(cid, data, offset, len, mult, add)
    offset = offset + 1
    local value = 0
    while len > 0 do
        value = (value * 256) + data[offset]
        offset = offset + 1
        len = len - 1
    setChannel(cid, (value * mult) + add)

map_chan = (be_mode == 1) and map_chan_be or map_chan_le
initCAN(CAN_chan, CAN_baud)