The EvoX integration requires requires Mode 23 ECU modification or RAX Patch v2): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yqwaUIeylzGy0uVFBd-uCyEtLr8FW2B52HV4m_EkDrM/edit#gid=2012713014
Channels Supported
The script provides the following channels:
- Load
- Timing
- KnockSum
- Boost
Copy and paste this into the RaceCapture scripting window - ensure you erase any existing script before writing.
--======================== STEERING AND BRAKES ================================ local chBrakeMC = 0 function getBrakes() if chBrakeMC == 0 then chBrakeMC = addChannel("BrakeMC", 100, 2, 0, 120, "Bar") end d1,d2 = requestCAN(1924,2) if d1==nil or d2==nil then return end setChannel(chBrakeMC, mBytes(d1[8],d2[2]) / 100.0 ) end --======================== RAX MAIN DATA ===================================== local chLoad,chTiming,chKnockSum,chRPM = 0,0,0,0 local chBarometer,chMAP,chBoost,chWGDC = 0,0,0,0 local chAPP,chIAT,chECT,chMAT = 0,0,0,0 d1,d2,d3,res,id,ext = 0,0,0,0,0 function getRAX() if chLoad == 0 then chLoad = addChannel("Load", 100, 0, 0, 500, "Load") chTiming = addChannel("Timing", 100, 0, -20, 50, "deg") chKnockSum = addChannel("KnockSum", 100, 0, 0, 50, "counts") chRPM = addChannel("RPM", 100, 0, 0, 8500) chBoost = addChannel("Boost", 100, 1, -14.5, 43.5, "PSI") chWGDC = addChannel("WGDC", 100, 1, 0, 100, "%") chAPP = addChannel("APP", 100, 0, 0, 100, "%") chIAT = addChannel("IAT", 100, 0, 0, 200, "F") chECT = addChannel("ECT", 100, 0, 0, 300, "F") chMAT = addChannel("MAT", 100, 0, 0, 200, "F") end d1 = requestCAN(2016,0x8051A8,6) if d1 ~= nil then local load = m23Bits(d1,1,8) setChannel(chLoad,load) end d1 = requestCAN(2016,0x8051AE,6) if d1 ~= nil then local timing = m23Bits(d1,25,7)-20 setChannel(chTiming,timing) local knocksum = m23Bits(d1,32,6) setChannel(chKnockSum,knocksum) local rpm = m23Bits(d1,38,11)*7.8125 setChannel(chRPM,rpm) end d1 = requestCAN(2016,0x8051B4,6) if d1 ~= nil then local map = m23Bits(d1,1,9)*0.0964869 local baro = (m23Bits(d1,10,7)+90)*0.07251887 setChannel(chBoost,map-baro) local wgdc = m23Bits(d1,17,8)*0.5 setChannel(chWGDC,wgdc) end d1 = requestCAN(2016,0x8051BA,6) if d1 ~= nil then local app = ((m23Bits(d1,25,8)-32)*129)/255 setChannel(chAPP,app) local iat = (m23Bits(d1,33,8)*1.8)-40 setChannel(chIAT,iat) end d1 = requestCAN(2016,0x8051C0,6) if d1 ~= nil then local ect = (m23Bits(d1,17,8)*1.8)-40 setChannel(chECT,ect) local mat = (m23Bits(d1,25,8)*1.8)-40 setChannel(chMAT,mat) end end -- =========== Byte xtraction from Mode23 CAN ================================= local bits = {0x1,0x3,0x7,0xF,0x1F,0x3F,0x7F, 0xFF,0x1FF,0x3FF,0x7FF,0xFFF,0x1FFF, 0x3FFF,0x7FFF,0xFFFF,0x1FFFF,0x3FFFF,0x7FFFF, 0xFFFFF,0x1FFFFF,0x3FFFFF,0x7FFFFF,0xFFFFFF} local band, bxor, bnot = bit.band, bit.bxor, bit.bnot local lshift, rshift = bit.lshift, bit.rshift function m23Bits(d,startBit,length) local shift = (8 - ((startBit+length-1) % 8)) % 8 local startByte = 3 + (startBit - 1 - ((startBit-1) % 8)) / 8 local bnumb = d[startByte] if (length+shift) > 8 and startByte < 8 then bnumb = d[startByte+1] + lshift(bnumb,8) if (length+shift) > 16 and startByte < 7 then bnumb = d[startByte+2] + lshift(bnumb,8) end end bnumb = rshift(bnumb,shift) bnumb = band(bnumb,bits[length]) return bnumb end --============================ 2 BYTES SIGNED CONVERSION ====================== function mBytes(byte1,byte2) if byte1 > 127 then return 0 - lshift(band(-bnot(0x1000+byte1),0x00FF),8) - band(-bxor(0x1000+byte2,0x0000),0x00FF) - 1 end return lshift(byte1,8) + byte2 end --============================ CAN MESSAGING ================================== function requestCAN(address, pid, bytes) local reqStandard = {2,33,0,255,255,255,255,255} local reqContinue = {48,8,0,255,255,255,255,255} local reqMode23 = {5,35,0,0,0,0,255,255} local to = 100 if pid>255 then reqMode23[3]=rshift(pid,16) reqMode23[4]=band(rshift(pid,8),bits[8]) reqMode23[5]=band(pid,bits[8]) reqMode23[6]=bytes res = txCAN(0, address, 0, reqMode23,to) if res ~= 1 then return nil end else reqStandard[3] = pid res = txCAN(0, address, 0, reqStandard,to) if res ~= 1 then return nil end end id, ext, d1 = rxCAN(0,to) if id == nil then return nil end if d1[1] < 16 then return d1,nil,nil end res = txCAN(0, address, 0, reqContinue,to) if res ~= 1 then return nil end id, ext, d2 = rxCAN(0,to) if id == nil then return nil end if(d1[2]<14) then return d1, d2, nil end id, ext, d3 = rxCAN(0,to) if id == nil then return nil end return d1, d2, d3 end -- ========================= MAIN CYCLE ======================================= local tickRate = 30 local chCANHz = addChannel("CANSpeed", 1, 0, 0, 300, "Hz") initCAN(0, 500000) setTickRate(tickRate) function onTick() local started = getUptime() local mc = 0 repeat getBrakes() getRAX() mc = mc + 1 until getUptime() > started + 1000 setChannel(chCANHz, mc) end