GoPro WiFi control
Lua Script
The following Lua Script enables WiFi control of your GoPro camera.
You will need to edit the following fields at the minimum, located at the top of the script
- GoPro WiFi password: Specify the WiFi password used for the GoPro WiFi adapter
- GoPro SSID: Specify the GoPro WiFi network name (SSID)
- Start trigger Speed: Change this if you want it different from the default start trigger.
- Stop trigger Speed: Change this if you want it different from the default stop trigger. Ensure this is less than the start trigger
--Specify your GoPro wifi password here goproPwd='12345678' --Specify your GoPro SSID here goproSsid = 'aslhero1' --Speed threshold to start recording goproStart = 10 --Speed threshold to stop recording goproStop = 5 --How fast we check, in Hz tickRate = 10 --Set this to 1 to log communications between RCP & WiFi debug = 0 ----------------------------- --DO NOT EDIT BELOW ----------------------------- --the serial port where the WiFi is connected port = 4 --indicates wifiStatus --0 = not init, 1 = init sent, 2 = got IP, 3 = ready wifiStatus = 0 lastInitTime = 0 initTimeout = 20000 function logMsg(msg) println('[GoProWiFi] ' ..msg) end function sendCrlf() writeCSer(port, 13) writeCSer(port, 10) end function sendRaw(val) for i=1, #val do local c = string.sub(val, i, i) writeCSer(port, string.byte(c)) end end function sendAt(val) if debug == 1 then logMsg('send: ' ..val) end sendRaw(val) sendCrlf() end function toInt(val) return string.sub(val, 1, -3) end function httpGet(url) sendAt('AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",80') sleep(500) local crlf = string.char(13) ..string.char(10) local get = 'GET ' ..url ..' HTTP/1.0' ..crlf ..crlf sendAt('AT+CIPSEND=' ..toInt(#get)) sleep(100) sendRaw(get) sleep(100) sendAt("AT+CIPCLOSE") end function sendGoProShutter(cmd) httpGet('/bacpac/SH?t=' ..goproPwd ..'&p=%' ..cmd) end function startGoPro() logMsg('start GoPro') sendGoProShutter('01') end function stopGoPro() logMsg('stop GoPro') sendGoProShutter('00') end recording = 0 function initWiFi() logMsg('initializing') sendAt('AT+RST') sleep(2000) sendAt('AT+CWMODE_CUR=1') sleep(1000) sendAt('AT+CWJAP_CUR="' ..goproSsid ..'","' ..goproPwd ..'"') wifiStatus = 1 end function processIncoming() local line = readSer(port, 100) if line ~= '' and debug == 1 then print(line) end if string.match(line, 'WIFI GOT IP') then wifiStatus = 2 end if wifiStatus == 2 and string.match(line, 'OK') then wifiStatus = 3 logMsg('ready for GoPro') end end function checkGoPro() if wifiStatus == 0 then initWiFi() lastInitTime = getUptime() return end if wifiStatus == 1 and getUptime() > lastInitTime + initTimeout then logMsg('could not connect to GoPro') wifiStatus = 0 end processIncoming() if wifiStatus ~= 3 then return end trigger = getGpsSpeed() if recording == 0 and trigger > goproStart then startGoPro() recording = 1 end if recording == 1 and trigger < goproStop then stopGoPro() recording = 0 end end function onTick() checkGoPro() end setTickRate(tickRate)