RaceCapturePro2 ShiftLights
Sequential Shift light
One way to enable shift light is by using the PWM / Analog output channels to trigger a 3 + 1 shift light output. In this case, we used 3 of the outputs to control the 3 LED segments on the ShiftX Sequential Shift Light display, and the 4th output controls a focused Red LED that flashes at the top end of the RPM range.
- Example Video:
- A working RPM signal connected to the first timer input channel on RaceCapture/Pro.
- Shift light boards connected to PWM / Analog out 1 - 3; flash alert LED to the 4th output
--[[ 3 stage + 1 sequential shift light Input Timer 0 - RPM Tach Lights 0 - Green Light 1 - Yellow Light 2 - Red Light 3 - Flash alert ]] -- Globals -- LIGHTS = 4 LIGHT_VALS = {} FREQUENCY_HZ = 10 -- Global Init -- setTickRate(FREQUENCY_HZ) function toggleLight(index) LIGHT_VALS[index] = not LIGHT_VALS[index] end function lightOn(index) LIGHT_VALS[index] = true end function lightOff(index) LIGHT_VALS[index] = false end local lCount = 0 repeat lightOff(lCount) lCount = lCount + 1 until lCount >= LIGHTS -- Script -- function updateLights() local l = 0 repeat -- Convert our booleans to 1 (true) or 0 (false) -- local val = LIGHT_VALS[l] local dc = 0 if not val then dc = 100 end setPwmDutyCycle(l, dc) l = l + 1 until l >= LIGHTS end function checkRpm() local rpm = getTimerRpm(0) if rpm < 3000 then lightOff(0) lightOff(1) lightOff(2) lightOff(3) elseif 3000 < rpm and rpm < 4500 then lightOn(0) lightOff(1) lightOff(2) lightOff(3) elseif 4500 < rpm and rpm < 5000 then lightOn(0) lightOn(1) lightOff(2) lightOff(3) elseif 5000 < rpm and rpm < 5500 then lightOn(0) lightOn(1) lightOn(2) lightOff(3) else toggleLight(3) end end function controlLights() checkRpm() updateLights() end -- Start! function onTick() controlLights() end