RacecapturePro MK4 hardware install
Mounting Orientation
The system can be mounted in various orientations to suit your needs. However, for optimal performance of the accelerometer and gyroscope, it is recommended to mount the system horizontally flat with the indicators facing the driver. After mounting, you can zero out the channels by performing calibration in the Setup section under Accel/Gyro.
Recommended Orientation
Horizontally Flat Indicators facing toward the driver
Alternate Orientations
If needed, the system can also be mounted in alternate orientations. Ensure that any alternate mounting is square to the orientation of the car. Some examples include:
- Upside Down
- Vertical / On Edge
Calibration and Remapping
When an alternate mounting orientation is chosen, it is crucial to remap the accelerometer and gyroscope channels to accurately reflect this change. This can be done in the Setup section under Accel/Gyro.